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05-Mary Poppins From a to Z
05-Mary Poppins From a to Z Read online
Mary Poppins from A to Z
P. L. Travers
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With drawings by Mary Shepard
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Orlando Austin New York San Diego Toronto London
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To Elizabeth Russell Haigh
and Anne Cordelia Crampton
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Copyright © 1962 and renewed 1990 by Pamela Travers
Hand-tinted illustrations copyright © 2006 by Harcourt. Inc.
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Harcourt. Inc., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive. Orlando. Florida 32887-6777.
First published 1962
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Travers. P. L. (Pamela Lyndon) 1899–1996.
Man Poppins from A to Z/P. L Travers: illustrated by Mary Shepard.
p. cm.
Summary: Features twenty-six vignettes, one for each letter of the alphabet,
starring Mary Poppins and other characters from the Mary Poppins novels.
[1. Characters in literature—Fiction. 2. Alphabet.] I. Shepard. Mary. 1909– ill II. Title.
PZ7.T689Masl 2006
[E]—dc22 2005024595
ISBN-13: 978-0-15-205834-0 ISBN-10: 0-15-205834-6
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Illustrations hand tinted by Judythe Sieck
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Production supervision by Pascha Gerlinger
Designed by April Ward
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The story of this lphabet is about the anks family, whose home is in herry-Tree Lane. It is a elightful thoroughfare, and veryone who lives in it knows the ive Banks children.
Jane and Michael are the two eldest. John and Barbara, the twins, come next, and the baby is Annabel.
Then there is Mrs. Brill, who cooks ood. plain, sensible meals; Ellen, the parlormaid, who suffers from hay fever; and Bobertson Ay, who should look after the ouse and garden but who does not care for hard work.
Admiral Boom lives at the corner. His house is mposing and built like a ship. He loves to sing songs and oke with the children.
Next door is an elegant residence. It belongs to ind Miss ark, who shares it with her two dogs.
In addition to all this, ary Poppins has come to stay at umber Seventeen. It was a great ccasion when the East Wind blew her to the Banks household, with her arrot-headed umbrella and her carpet-bag. She has uite altered the life of the lane, for though she is so espectable, the trangest things happen when she akes charge. The children are sure she is nlike anybody else in the world and would ery much like her to stay forever.
"I'll stay till the ind changes," she says. "But I cannot give you the eact date. Now. brush our hair, tie your shoelaces, put your toys in the proper place, and do not behave like wild bears. This is a nursery, let me remind you. not a cage in the oo."
is for Annabel. And here she is. out for an Airing, on Mary Poppins' Arm.
Andrew. Miss Lark's dog, is Asking for some of her Arrowroot biscuit And taking An Ample bite.
This is Against Miss Lark's Advice.
"Now. not Another crumb!" she says. "It will Affect your Appetite. And you Are having Asparagus for dinner."
Andrew is Anxious And Alarmed. Asparagus is All very well, but what he really likes is Almonds, with one or two Antelope cutlets And A slice of Apple pie.
Miss Lark takes Absolutely no notice. She is far too Agitated. "Actually, Mary Poppins," she says, "we Are looking for Robertson Ay. I want him to Assist me in Attacking the Ants in my garden."
"He's Asleep in An Armchair in the Attic," Mary Poppins Answers.
"Asleep? In the Afternoon? How Amazing!" Miss Lark is quite Astounded. She is not Aware, Apparently, that Robertson Ay. though Agreeable. Always Avoids Activity. And he falls Asleep At Any time. Anyhow, Anywhere.
is for Admiral Boom, who is Mr. Banks" Best friend. He lives in a house Built like a Boat and wears a Blue coat with Brass Buttons.
His servant. Binnacle, a retired Bandit, Bakes the Bread. Borrows Butter from Mrs. Banks, and Bangs the Barometer. Today it says "Bright and Breezy," so they are Both Bringing Barbara Banks to Buy some Breadcrumbs from the Bird Woman.
"Feed the Birds!" she says Benevolently. "Only tuppence a Bag."
The Birds peck up the crumbs with their Beaks. "What a Beautiful Banquet!" they say.
And By and By, when Barbara is in Bed. the Bird Woman Beckons her Birds Beside her. They Burrow Beneath her Big Black skirts; they sit on her Bonnet; they creep into her Bulky pocket and even. Betweentimes. into her Boots.
"Sleep well, my Birdies!" they hear her say.
And there they stay till the Break of day.
is for Cherry. Mary Poppins. with her Carpet-bag and umbrella, is strolling along the lane with the Children. The Cherry trees Cover them with shade, and the Cherries drop into their mouths.
"Chew them Carefully, all of you, in Case you Crack your teeth."
The Park Keeper Clambers over the fence.
"Collect your Cherrystones!" he Cries. "There is a Container at the Corner."
"We are quite Capable of Conducting ourselves Correctly," says Mary Poppins. as she Calmly Continues on her way.
A Cuckoo Chants in a Cherry tree; a Cross-eyed Cat is Chasing a Caterpillar. The sun Courses away to the west, and the stars light Candles in the sky.
"Six o'Clock. Time to turn back!" the Chimes say Clearly.
"Caw-Caw." says the Crow. "You Can no longer roam!"
And the Curlew is Calling. "Oh. Children. Come home!"
is for Dinner. Mrs. Brill, quite Distracted. Dashes in with the roast Duck and nearly Drops the Dish.
"What, no Dumplings?" Mr. Banks grumbles.
"Don't be Difficult, Dear," says Mrs. Banks. "Ellen has one of her Dreadful colds, and it is Mary Poppins Day out."
"How Distressing! Well. Drink up. Barbara! Dry your hands, John! Your hair is a Disgrace. Michael! It's Deplorable," Mr. Banks Declares. "Whenever Mary Poppins goes out. we have a Domestic Disaster. When I say Do, you all Don't; and when I say Don't, you Do!"
"Dates for Dessert. Daddy," says Jane, who is always Diplomatic.
"How Delicious!" cries Mr. Banks. "Things are not so Dismal, after all. We shall have a Delightful Dinner."
Down the stairs Darts Mary Poppins. Dressed in her Dainty best. A Dimple Dances in her cheek and a Daisy in her hat. No one says Do or Don't to her. Nobody would Dare!
is for East Wind. It is blowing Exactly as it blew when Mary Poppins arrived.
Ellen is sneezing Endlessly, but Everyone Else is Enjoying the Experience. The wind Echoes in the children's Ears and tosses the Elm leaves into their Eyes.
Even Miss Lark. Enveloped in an Embroidered curtain, has Enticed her friend, the Elderly Professor, to Enter into the fun.
"What an Exciting Escapade! I feel Equal to anything this Evening! Oh, Excuse me!" he Exclaims, as the wind blows him against Mary Poppins. "I d
id not mean to Embrace you, madam; I am merely Enchanted to Encounter such an Example of female Excellence."
She answers with an Elegant bow and no Embarrassment. If East winds and Elderly Professors wish to Express Enthusiasm, they are Entitled to do so. But Equally they cannot Expect to have any Effect on her.
Nor on the starlings who live under the Eaves of Number Seventeen. Quite at Ease, on the Edge of their nest, they fold their wings over their Eggs and keep the wind away.
is For the Fifth of November and also the Fourth of July. These are the nights For Fireworks.
The Banks Family and their Faithful Friends are Frisking round a Fountain of Flame.
Rockets go Fizzing through the air and Fall like starry Feathers.
The children, in Flannel dressing gowns, are Flashing sparklers to and Fro.
Admiral Boom puts a match to a Flowerpot and plays a tune on his Flute.
"Follow the Fleet and Fly with me
Far away to the Foaming sea!"
The whole lane is Flooded with light.
"You could Fry a Fish in it," says the Policeman. "Send For the Fire brigade!"
"Fiddlesticks, my dear Fellow!" says Mr. Banks, quite Flabbergasted. "If anything Fearful should occur, we can just Fetch Mary Poppins."
But Mary Poppins, on the First Floor, has Forgotten the Festive occasion. With her Feet Folded on a Footstool, she is having Forty winks. Just Fancy!
is for Geese. Jane and Michael, as Good as Gold, are feeding them on the Green by the lake.
Mr. Banks, whose name is George. Greets the Group as he Goes by. "What are you Giving them?" he asks.
"Grass, Gravel. Grubs, and Gumdrops!"
"Gracious!" Mr. Banks Groans. "I'm Glad I'm not a Goose!"
"They are Gallant swans in disguise," says Jane. "And Michael is really a Giant Killer, and I am Goldilocks."
"And I never Guessed it!" Mr. Banks Grins. "Did you know that I was a Grand Duke? I play the Guitar in the Gayest way and never have to pay the Grocer."
"If you Got a wish. Mary Poppins." says Michael, "what Great person would you be?"
She Gives him a Gleaming, self-satisfied Glance.
"Mary Poppins." she says.
is for Herbert, the Matchman. He Huddles on the pavement, drawing Hundreds of pictures.
Today He Has made a Ham sandwich, a Hurdy-gurdy, and a bunch of Heather.
"How Handsome you look." He says Humbly, as Mary Poppins Hails Him, and He snatches up the bunch of Heather and puts it into Her Hand.
Jane and Michael can Hardly believe it.
"It isn't me; it's Her." says Herbert. "Strange things Happen when she's Here. Have a Ham sandwich if you're Hungry. It won't Hurt you; it's real."
They take a Huge bite. It is Ham. indeed.
Then the Hurdy-gurdy begins to play.
"Heave Ho, my Hearties," cries Admiral Boom. Heavily dancing the sailor's Hornpipe.
Heel and toe. Hopping like Hares, they Hurtle after Him. Oh. what a Happy Holiday!
Then, suddenly, Mary Poppins says "Home!" and everything comes to a Halt.
How Horrid to Have to Hurry away. Never mind. Perhaps there will be Honey for tea. (But T is not for Honey.)
Is for In. Inside. Indoors. In a muddle. In a temper. That's where the children are today, because It Is raining outside. They are all Impatient and Irritable and can't Imagine what to do.
"Imitate me," says Mary Poppins, as she Irons her apron of Irish linen. "Get some Ink and draw an Island, with Ivy and Indians on It. Or Invent a story about an Italian who lives In an Igloo with an Ibex called Isabel. I," she adds Importantly, "am always Industrious, never Idle."
Then suddenly the weather Improves, and the Ice-Cream Man comes along the lane.
"If you behave like Intelligent children, you may put on India-rubber boots and go and Inquire the price."
Immediately their Ill-nature vanishes. How Inspired of Mary Poppins! Nothing Is Impossible now.
Ice cream! What a good Idea!
is for Jane and also for John. Here they are. full of Joy, in the park's wild corner, which is like a Jungle or a Jigsaw puzzle.
"Having high Jinks?" asks the Park Keeper Jovially, shooing a Jackdaw and Jabbing at some litter.
"We're picking Jasmine and Juniper to take home to put in a Jam Jar."
"No picking of flowers in the park. Observe the rules, my Jewels, or I'll have you off to Jail in a Jiffy."
Mary Poppins Jerks her head round the Ladies' Journal for June.
"I'm the best Judge of that," she says Jealously. "They are simply out on a Jolly Jaunt and doing no harm to anyone. Jog along on your own Job and don't go Jeering at other people."
The Park Keeper Jumps like a Jack-in-the-box and trembles like a Jelly.
"Jiminy! What a Jolt you gave me! I didn't mean to give them the Jimjams. It was Just my Joke," he says.
is for King. He has a private Key to the park, and when the Kingdom does not need him. he comes to fly his Kite. It is made of a Kitchen tablecloth and trimmed with Kid and Kapok.
Today the Kite gets caught in his robes.
"Here's a pretty Kettle of fish." says the King. "I should have worn my Kilt."
Michael Kowtows respectfully.
"Keep the string tight, your Majesty. It must not have a single Kink. Tie it to the Knob of your crown. Kick with your feet, and run."
The King gives him a Keen glance. "What Kind advice," he says. "You shall have a Kangaroo for a Keepsake. Are you Keeping well. Miss Poppins? I would like to invite you all to the Kiosk for a snack of Kippers and Kidney beans and perhaps a few nut Kernels. But, alas, I simply haven't a Kopeck. Well, well. I must be off. There is Kedgeree for lunch today, and the thought of it Kindles my appetite."
And away he sails, like a ship on its Keel, with his robes trailing along the Kerb and the Kite flying behind him.
is for Luck. Along the Lane comes the Chimney Sweep. Lugging his Load of brushes.
"Let me in. Lords and Ladies! I'll Labor to Leave your chimneys clean. And it's Lucky to shake the hand of a sweep."
Miss Lark. Leaning over her gate. Lets him Lay a Little black spot upon her Lily-white finger. Then. Lifting the Admiral's Large hand, he marks it so Lavishly with soot that it Looks Like a Leopard's paw.
The children come Leaping into his arms and Lean their cheeks on his.
"I can guess what you want, my Larrikins! Let me Label you."
He Lathers their arms and Legs with soot. "There! A black Lamb is a Lucky Lamb, all the Legends say."
He gives Mary Poppins a Languishing smile as his hand Lingers on hers. "Your eyes are Like blue Lamps, my Love, and your Lips are Lotus blossoms."
"Get along." she says Loftily. "I've no time to Loiter."
"Observe the Law." says the Park Keeper. "No Litter to be Left in the Lane!"
But the Sweep just Looks at him and Laughs. "Listen. Fred. I don't Leave Litter: I Leave Luck."
And Lightly down the Park Keeper's nose he draws a Long black Line.
"There! If you've got Luck, you Lack nothing. Learn that Lesson, Lad!"
is for Michael and Mary Poppins. They are coming home from the Market with Meat and Marmalade.
"Just a Minute," says Mary Poppins. "The Mousetrap is Missing. How Mysterious!"
The Park Keeper, Mowing the lawns, picks up a Metal object. He is about to Mention it when who should March past but the Lord Mayor. He eyes the Park Keeper Moodily. "How Many times have I said. My Man, you Must Manage to be More Methodical? No Mess Must be Made in the public park. Put that Mousetrap in the Municipal litter basket."
"But, Milord, I Meant to give it—"
"Don't Mumble and Mutter," says the Lord Mayor. "Be Mindful and don't Make such a Mistake again. Ah. My dear Miss Mary Poppins! What Mild weather for the Middle of May!" And. bowing in a Majestic Manner, he Meanders on his way.
"Mine. I think," Murmurs Mary Poppins. putting out her hand for the Mousetrap.
"It was you that Mislaid it," says the Park K
eeper, "and Me that has to face the Music."
"Meet Misfortune Manfully," she says with a Modest smile.
And she and Michael and the Mousetrap go home for the Midday Meal.
is for Nursery. Naturally.
It may look Neglected and untidy, with Nicknacks and Ninepins scattered about. But Mary Poppins is always Neat.
The children may be Noisy and Naughty, but Mary Poppins is Never at a loss. She just says. "Now. No Nonsense, please!" And None of them Needs to be told twice.
And sometimes, in a Noble mood, she takes her Needle and hems a Napkin and Narrates the story of Noah's Ark or what happened Next to Nellie Rubina.
They Nestle against her like birds in a Nest.
Nobody Notices Night is Near.
Their heads are Nodding on their Necks. Nid-Nod. Nid-Nod.
The Nightingale sings a Note in the park.
The New moon rises, but No one sees.
Within the Nursery Nothing stirs.
"Number Seventeen." say the Neighbors, "is Nice and quiet tonight."
is for Once-upon-a-time. And here's an Original story.
One day in October, the children were playing Out in the lane when the Old lady Opposite the gate Offered to sell them her balloons.
"Only One penny! Oblige me, do!"
So, they seized the Opportunity, and then an Odd thing Occurred. The balloons flew up Over the park, pulling the children with them.
"Do they Often do this?" cried Jane and Michael.
"Occasionally," the balloon woman answered. "Oh. dear. I Omitted to tie the strings! Here I am. blowing away On my Own!"
And there she went, sailing up Over the Oak trees. Opening her arms to the sky. as though she were Off to Orion.